Saturday, April 17, 2010

Smurf Life Lessons

Who doesn't like the Smurfs? I love them! I have been listening to Smurf songs lately, and one of my favorites is the Merry-go-Round song. I feel like I can really relate to the chorus:

We're spinning around,
We're up and we're down.
We're taking a ride on the merry go round.
We're ringing the bell of life's carousel,
And when we get off it nobody can tell.
We don't have a care
When we get the fear that sometimes we don't
And we're left standing there.
But soon it's okay and we're up off the ground,
And we are riding again on the merry go round.

The past month and a half has been such a carousel ride for me and my family. So full of ups and downs. Actually, lots of downs, and a few ups. Despite all the times we keep feeling like we have fallen off the ride, we feel incredibly blessed and have faith that everything will work out... eventually.
photo from

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