Saturday, August 22, 2009

Skeeter Syndrome

Yes. It is a mesquito bite.
Yes. It got worse after this picture was taken...
swelled down to my ankle, and almost up to my knee, but not quite.
Yes. It gave me a limp.
Yes. It itched FREAKING CRAZY.
Yes. It hurt.
Yes. I now have a deep fear of those devilish insects.

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Racquel & Aidan Goodwin said...

ooh you poor thing that looks horrible! your fam looks so cute in your fam wedding pics! i miss you a ton sorry about not being here when you came to utah my fault =( for some reason i couldn't leave you a message on your blog. well it's good to see your doing well.

kim and ned said...

Wowzers! That thing is HUGE! Sorry we missed you while you were in Utah. I didn't read my blog message until after you had come and gone. I was really bumbed out.

Ali said...

um maybe its west nile. you should have that looked at, it's just not normal Ash.

Anonymous said...

I have skeeter syndrome. It kind of looks like your area affected will fall off. It's normal for children to have this syndrome and kind of unusual for adults. But, lo and behold, I got it three years ago!

Unknown said...

I have skeeter syndrome too. It's just like that. I get all red with a localized fever where it's red. Then it starts to swell to the size of a soft ball.. then it will blister and bruise. And yes, it itches more than anything ever!

Unknown said...

Lol... I have had many of those. At points my whole body was covered in horrible swollen mosquito bites. Nothing is gonna fall off, it's not west nile, it's skeeter syndrome. Adults get it too. I lived in Vegas my whole life. Mosquitoes out here are like gnats. I moved to South Carolina and I started swelling. It freaked me out. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Then I finally caught a mosquito biting me and behold, a few hours later I started swelling. I did a little research and found out it was skeeter syndrome. Symptoms match to a T. However, skeeter syndrome does suck and I am so glad to be back in Vegas.

shanjun83 said...

My toddler son has recently been diagnosed with Skeeter Syndrome and your pictures are EXACTLY what we've experienced with him over the last couple of years! I started a blog sharing our experience in hopes of connecting with others. We've recently had a lot of success treating his reactions with Melaleuca oil... I'd be happy to send you a free sample so you can try it out... it has made a big difference in our lives and our ability to manage and treat our little one's reactions. Copy & Paste the link below into your browser to check out our story...